Ashleigh Diserio studies human behavior and the social and cultural context in which behavior occurs. She brings a unique perspective and a balanced view of the “whole person.” The whole-person approach considers as much information as possible, including psychological and physical state and an individual’s social, cultural, and physical environments.
She has 18 years of experience providing psychological-based consultation for violent crime, insider threat, and intelligence investigations, including death investigations, sexual assault, child abuse, suicide, stalking, domestic abuse, workplace violence, radicalization, active shooter, sextortion, etc. She has worked with the U.S. government and private sector clients. Her extensive experience applying psychological theories and principles in various investigative, operational, and national security settings allows her to help individuals and organizations understand an individual’s mindset, motivations, behaviors, and intentions. Her understanding of predicting and countering behaviors of individuals who display undesirable, threatening, or potentially dangerous character traits enables her to counsel and collaborate with organizations to set and achieve the highest standards in threat and violence risk assessment, investigations, and other areas.
Ashleigh has developed and taught a variety of courses across prestigious institutions. At Alliant International University’s California School of Forensic Studies, she served as a course developer and adjunct professor, creating classes for the School of Forensic Behavioral Sciences. As an adjunct professor at Marymount University, she contributed to the Forensic and Legal Psychology Program, and she has guest lectured at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Law and Georgetown University.
She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Bethany College and a Master's in Forensic Psychology from Marymount University. She has undergone specialized training in evidence-based practices and is a certified life coach from The Institute for Life Coach Training. Through her Resilient Souls life coaching program, she extends her expertise to empower individuals to create the life that they dream of.
University Courses Created and Taught:
Criminal Behavior
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
Threat Management
Investigation, Forensic Interviewing, and Report Writing
Spycraft: Secrets, Lies, and Double Agents
Holistic Approach to Insider Threat
Sexual Assault Investigations
Conference Presentations:
Managing Extremism and Grievance-Fueled Threats: a Forging Critical Connections Threat Assessment Training It is Coming from Inside the House: Mitigating and Managing Insider Threats
Ohio Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Conference
Recommendations for Supervisors of Those Working with Child Sexual Abuse Material
Sextortion and Revenge Porn: Sexual Violence in Cyberspace
School Resource Officers Conference
Targeted Violence and Behavioral-Based Threat Assessment
This work is Ashleigh's Passion.
“Why are people quick to blame others for their behavior while offering excuses for their own?"
"How can a person do something that, in retrospect, they will never believe is okay?"
“What causes a person to commit a heinous crime?”
Answering questions like these has been a driving factor for Ashleigh Diserio throughout her career. From an early age, she found human behavior fascinating. She wanted to understand why people act and think the way they do and analyze why, in many instances, humans behave in reasonably predictable ways. Ashleigh has dedicated her career to studying human behavior from its most basic level so she can strive to improve society by equipping others with knowledge, tools, and resources to use in day-to-day interactions. We all have to deal with human behavior daily and should be equipped with the knowledge to understand it.
Volunteering and serving others is a privilege for which Ashleigh is grateful. She uses what she has learned throughout her career and personal life to help others. Many may not be fully aware of the impact victimization can have on crime victims' lives, but Ashleigh knows from personal experience – as a survivor and someone who works daily with survivors. Deeply traumatic crimes can cause severe damage to survivors’ emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. Far too many survivors are harmed or retraumatized by insensitive, uninformed, or inadequate community and criminal justice system responses. Ashleigh knows the critical importance of being trained to recognize and understand the impact of trauma on survivors. Over the years, many victims of crime have turned to Ashleigh for support. She is happy to give back by being a valuable resource to victims of crime. She offers them a consultation where she listens, casts no judgment, creates a trusting relationship, and an open communication channel, allowing her to assess their case and direct them to resources that can assist them.
Schedule your consultation today.